会走路的钱(上)Money Walks (Part I ) 简体版 SKU: 195252

BAYFAMILY(贝版)曾是北美文学城投资理财论坛的版主,从2006年开始陆陆续续发表投资理财的博客文章,累计阅读人数超过数百万。贝版2006年因为提出“普通家庭十年一千万美元理财计划”而引发热议,该计划于2018年最终实现。本书用纪实的方式记录了贝版实现该投资计划的每一步细节,涵盖他对市场趋势的判断,积累资本的方式,和每一笔投资交易的细节与心态历程,当然也包括众多失败的经验教训。全文按照0-1万,1万-10万,10万-100万,100万-1000万美元四个数量级的增长历程,把他投资的经历原汁原味地呈现给读者。 贝版记录了美国老中代代传下来的五条理财真经:提高信用分数、避免超前消费、开二手车、亲自维修、不打官司多运动。这本书现身说法证明你总是可以存三分之一的收入的,因为那些比你少挣三分之一的人的生活质量不比你差很多。这世上,没有人可能比你自己对自己的钱更加上心,不要指望任何人能够管好你的钱。 2007-2018年投资理财贝版做了三件事:投资中国房地产,次贷危机湾区抄底,持有比特币。贝版投资的核心理念就是“会走路的钱”。在充分效率的市场,用懒人投资法;在非充分效率的市场,用勤快人投资法。投资要跟着屌丝年轻人走,你只需要比新钱抢先一步,永远不要和旧钱拼体力。 本书为全文的上册。记录了从200美元到1,000,000美元财富的成长历史,以及投资心得。


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贝版投资的核心理念就是“会走路的钱”。在充分效率的市场,用懒人投资法;在非充分效率的市场,用勤快人投资法。投资要跟着屌丝年轻人走,你只需要比New money抢先一步,永远不要和Old money拼体力。


The author, Bayfamily, was the forum moderator of Investment BBS on Wenxuecity.com, a popular Chinese American social website. Since 2005, he has published a series of blogs on investment and personal finance, and he has attracted millions of page viewers. In 2006, he posted a blog on this investment forum about his goal to make ten million dollars in ten years by investing. He named his plan “Ten Million in Ten Years Investment Plan for an Average Income Family.” Since then, he has published his investment activities and financial records every year for 11 years, and eventually he achieved his goal and made ten million in 2018; a total of eleven and a half years, which is a bit longer than the planned 10 years. This book is a memoir and a record of his efforts to fulfill his ten-million-dollar goal. The book includes details of all of his investment activities, how he prepared himself, how he accumulated capital, how he found investment opportunities, and most importantly, the failures and hard lessons learned throughout the process.


Bayfamily came to the US in 1997 with only 200 dollars in his pocket as a PhD student in engineering. With his student stipend and interning income, he saved up ten thousand dollars in two years. Afterwards, he moved to the San Francisco Bay Area where he and his family only earned the average income. However, they made their first one hundred thousand in two years, and one million dollars in six years, all though saving and investments. This book is organized in four sections to describe this investment history: from zero to ten thousand dollars, ten thousand to a hundred thousand dollars, a hundred thousand to a million dollars, and finally, from a million to ten million dollars. The wealth accumulated in each section is one level of magnate higher than before.


After the 2008 financial crisis, Bayfamily graduated from a top MBA in the US and worked in a famous investment bank. During the last ten years, most of his wealth has accumulated through three investment activities: investment in the real estate market in China, bought Bay Area real estate at the market downturn in 2010, and holding Bitcoin since 2016.


Under his “Money Walks” theory, a good investor should understand their own personality first before investing, whether they are a “lazy man” or a “diligent man”. In an efficient competitive market, investors should use the “lazy man” investment strategy; in an inefficient competitive market, they should use the “diligent man” investment strategy. In terms of saving, Bayfamily believes diligent work and a simple life are virtues. An extravagant and exorbitant lifestyle is wasteful. People can always save one third of their money, no matter what income level. This is simply because those who earn one third less than you are still living with a similar quality of life.


On his first day in the US, he was taught five simple rules on personal finance, which was passed down by generations of new Chinese Americans immigrates. The rules of saving money are: keep a good credit score, avoid loans and excessive consumption, avoid legal disputes, fix and repair stuff yourself, and stay fit and healthy. This book “Money Walks” uses the author’s own life experiences as an example to describe all these rules and principles.